Monday, September 22, 2014

Where to go from here?

I did it, I finished something.....well almost. Out of thirty assignments, I completed all but seven. Given my record for completing things over the last year and a half, I am considering that a success. 

Where to go from here? I'm kind of happy with my little blog, it holds me accountable to something and gives me a platform to express my feelings. I am not sure how it will evolve, but I know I'd like to keep it going. Will it become the place to sell my jewelry, as it was once originally intended? Will it chronicle the restoration of Ruby, my vintage trailer? One thing I can say for sure, I will continue to use it as a place of healing, and to share my thoughts on life without Sam. Perhaps in time I will figure out just where to go from here.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The world can see the shape of you in me ......

As your mommy, I learned that raising a child with a disability is not easy, you showed me what I was made of. If I had a dollar for every time someone told me how "special" I was, or that "God only gives us what we can handle," I could have bought you Legoland. I know this for certain, I am not special, and I believe that God puts us in situations not because we can handle them, but to see how we choose to handle them. Some of us just do better than others.

Were it not for you, I would have never been involved with Children's hospital, and it's Healing Garden. Because of you there is a thirty foot "Sam-O-Saurus" greeting families and staff as they enter, a purple trumpet vine weaves throughout his giant shape. We were brought there for all the wrong reasons, and so much good came out of it. 

You inspired us to raise thousands of dollars for various causes, so families like ours could have a little bit of happiness. Sam's Posse has become your legacy, with it we are "Granting Wishes, and Changing Lives."

You brought so many good people in to my life. People, who were it not for you I would have never met. You taught me to be your advocate, your voice. Before I had you, I used to think that I was a decent person. In truth, you taught me decency, kindness, compassion, and unconditional love.

I have said many times that I believe you were a messenger. The world can see the shape of YOU in me because I got your message.